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Raspberry liqueur

Recipe for raspberry tincture

Recipe for raspberry tincture

Raspberries have long been used in folk medicine. They contain a lot of vitamin C and have sudorific and warming effect. Raspberry tincture, not only good in taste, brings relief during autumn and winter colds. Moreover, raspberry tincture is beneficial in atherosclerosis and hypertension.

To prepare raspberry vodka you will need: raspberries, spirit 95%, sugar.

Put cleaned raspberries into a jar and sprinkle with sugar - for each liter of raspberries 25 dag of sugar. The jar does not have to be tightly closed, the closing should protect against insects and dust. Set aside in a dark place and wait 3-5 days until the fruits are covered with juice. Shake the jar from time to time. When you get the juice, pour out the contents of the jar through a sieve lined with gauze and squeeze the raspberries. Mix the juice with spirit until you get a liqueur of the desired strength. Set aside to be clarified.

Raspberry liqueur has purple color and raspberry scent. It is ideal for winter and autumn evenings when you need something to warm you up. It can be added to tea or drunk from a glass.

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